Time Magazine: Nintendo Revolution controller will blow your mind

Time Magazine has released its list of the top five tech innovations of 2006 that will "Blow Your Mind." The Revolution controller comes in strong at number 2. Says the article about the Revolution:
When it comes to video-game controllers, Nintendo has always been an innovator. Back when Atari and its one-button joystick ruled, Nintendo devised a two-button controller with a directional thumb pad. Then came action-sensitive vibration, wireless connectivity and an analog stick for 360˚ steering. Now the company hopes to shake things up with a wireless controller for next year's Revolution console that will allow players to apply real-world physical experience to games. The one-handed grip has motion and position sensors, so if you're playing a Ping-Pong game, you just flick the controller like a paddle. Or, to shoot, take aim and tap a button. For more elaborate games, a second piece with analog stick and two triggers (for that extra itchy finger) can be connected."
To see the other innovations of 2006, check out the article below.
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